PRAXIS 2024 Travel and Accommodation Subsidy Policy
The SCPA only provides a subsidy and does not cover all costs.
What is covered?
For presenters who travel from outside of a 150km radius of the Gold Coast:
- 2 night’s accommodation (Wednesday 26th & Thursday 27th June)
- Lunch and either afternoon tea/morning tea on both days and Conference Dinner on Thursday Night.
- Travel Subsidy (Bus and train fares at the lowest discounted fare; Commercial airfares fully paid at the lowest comparable price; Private vehicle mileage calculated at 11 cents per kilometre from the home address to the Venue (Gold Coast Campus) return, calculated from Google Maps or other comparable travel/distance calculator.
For presenters who travel within a 150km radius of the Gold Coast:
- 1 night’s accommodation (Thursday 27th June) only.
- Lunch and either afternoon tea/morning tea on both days and Conference Dinner on Thursday Night.
Please note travel is not included.
What is NOT covered*?
- Breakfast is not included, however, light refreshments will be available upon arrival to the event on both days.
- Transfers to/from the airport or to/from Accommodation or to/from Venue.
- Drinks/meals outside what is offered within the PRAXIS program.
Applying for a travel and accommodation subsidy & payments:
- The 2024 SCPA PRAXIS Conference Travel and Accommodation Subsidy is administered through the SCPA. To apply please complete the travel subsidy form and email to including photos or PDF copies of all receipts.
- The SCPA will endeavor to reimburse all travel subsidy claims to your nominated bank account once the conference is complete and within 15 working days of receipt of the claim.
*However, if you are experiencing financial restrictions which would prevent you from attending the conference, please contact the SCPA Helpline Number to discuss assistance on either 1300 654 830 or email