Annual General Meeting 2024
Postgrads Helping Postgrads to Succeed

Dear fellow postgrad/honours student

As a valued member of SCU’s postgraduate student community, you are cordially invited to attend SCPA’s 7th Annual General Meeting, to be held Tuesday 25 June 2019, in the Building C Lecture Theatre, SCU Gold Coast campus, at 1.30 pm.  The AGM will be held as part of our annual PRAXIS Postgrad Research & Practice Conference.

For those unable to attend the Gold Coast venue, access to the meeting will be available via the following ZOOM link:

Join from PC, Mac, iOS or Android:

We also invite you to consider nominating for any of the following positions on the Management Committee:-

  • President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Vice President
  • Ordinary Members of the Committee (3 positions)

Please note that NOMINATIONS CLOSE 12pm, Thursday 20 June 2019.

Please find included the following documents comprising your AGM kit:-

  1. Notice & Agenda AGM 2019
  2. Minutes AGM 20 June 2018
  3. 2018 Financial Statements SCPA & 2018 audit report SCPA
  4. Nomination form for election to Management Committee
  5. SCPA Membership Application_2016_v2

Who can attend the AGM?

SCPA welcomes all postgraduate and honours students at SCU to attend and participate in the AGM.

Who can vote at the AGM and SGM?

While SCPA welcomes the attendance of all postgraduate and honours students, you must become a Member of the Association in order to cast a vote on any matter.  Membership is free of charge to all postgraduate students enroled at SCU.  Please find a Membership Application form included as part of your AGM/SGM kit.

Who can stand for election to the Management Committee, or otherwise nominate/second candidates for election to the Committee?

To stand for election, or otherwise to nominate or second potential candidates, you first must be a Member of the Association.

How do I stand for election to the Committee?

To stand for election to the Committee, you must complete the Nomination Form included in your AGM kit, or otherwise email us your intention to nominate.  You can e-mail your completed and signed nomination form to   Please note that NOMINATIONS CLOSE 12pm, THURSDAY 20 JUNE 2019.

What if I wish to stand for election, but I do not know any other members to nominate or second me?

Please feel free to self-nominate.  The Committee will arrange a Nominator and/or Seconder for your nomination.  If you are not already a Member of the Association, then please also include a Membership Application form.  Forward these to no later than 12pm, Thursday 20 June 2019.

SCPA’s outgoing committee look forward to your attendance and participation at our 6th AGM.  Please feel free to contact or ring me 1300 654 830 should you have any enquiries.

Best regards





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