Welcome to the 2023 SCU Psychology Honours Conference! We are very pleased to be supporting our Psychology Honours students and their research projects by delivering this Conference to showcase their hard work and research outcomes. The Conference will be held on both days Thursday 28/09/23 & Friday 29/09/23 across the Gold Coast Campus, the Coffs Harbour Campus and Online. Excitingly, we have more than double the amount of Students this year which means there will be over 50 wonderful presentations across both days. (Link to Draft Program below: NOTE it is subject to change). This year’s theme is “Traveling Together: Diverse Pasts, Shared Present, Diverging Futures” – very relevant in terms of the students experiences this year. We are also very fortunate to have a highly regarded Keynote Speaker for this year’s Conference and they are Stacey Hansen (Director and Principal Psychologist, Your Psych Centre).
We hope you join us for this exciting student event, so please Register your Attendance for the Conference below. If you are inviting other guests please send them the link for registration, so we can provide them with online links and provide catering if they are attending at a Campus.
2023 Psychology Honours Conference Program_Final
Here are the guest online links to join in
Gold Coast Day 1
Gold Coast Day 2
Coffs Day 1
Coffs Day 2
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