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Postgrads Helping Postgrads to Succeed

Urge our cross bench senators to vote against the bill!

The Senate will soon consider the Higher Education Support Legislation Amendment (A More Sustainable, Responsive and Transparent Higher Education System) Bill 2017. The proposed new funding cuts will seriously impair Southern Cross University’s ability to deliver quality higher education and support to already disadvantaged students in an already harsh funding environment.

The Bill will:

  • rip a massive $2.8 billion from universities across Australia;
  • require all universities to lift student fees;
  • reduce retrospectively the HECS repayment salary threshold from $53,000 to just $42,000 for all students and former students; and
  • introduce fees for tertiary preparation courses to disadvantaged potential students.

As a predominantly regional university, SCU has many students from backgrounds of low socio-economic standing and other entrenched disadvantage. Many of our students are single parents, or the children of single parents. Many of our students are the first person in their entire family ever to enter university. Many of our students never completed high school, let alone achieved a high Tertiary Education Ranking. Many of our students are Indigenous Australians.

The proposed changes will significantly impact students, teaching, services and staffing levels at our university, one of the largest employers in the north coast region of NSW. The cuts will discourage study in the most critical employment roles in regional Australia, including nursing, teaching, social work, health, science and engineering. The introduction of fees to enabling courses will place a tertiary education pathway out of reach for many mature age students, Aboriginal students and people from lower socioeconomic status groups, limiting access to these critical employment roles for local people in our regional communities.

You can make a difference by writing to cross bench senators and urge them to vote against the Bill, to protect our education and our future.

Make a difference today, by;

  1. Sending an automated email to senators. Simply click here to fill out your name and email address and click send. This will send an automated email using the template letter. You can also customize the letter template if you choose. This will email the letter to Senators Stirling Griff, Skye Moore, Derryn Hinch, Nick Xenophon and Jacquie Lambie.


2. Download the attached letter to senators.  You have the choice to complete the sections highlighted in yellow and print, or to handwrite the letter.  Hand written letters to senators make a difference!  Then send the letter to one or more of the cross bench senators listed below:


Cross bench senators

Name State Party Address Phone
Senator Cory Bernardi SA AC

36 Grenfell Street,

Kent Town SA 5067,

(PO Box 2192, Kent Town SA 5071)

(08) 8362 8600,

1300 880 569

Senator Stirling Griff SA NXT

Level 3, 27 Leigh Street,

Adelaide SA 5000,

(PO Box 8117, Adelaide SA 5000)

(08) 8212 1409
Senator Skye Kakoschke-Moore SA NXT

187 Grenfell Street,

Adelaide SA 5000

(08) 8232 0220
Senator Derryn Nigel Hinch VIC DHJP

Level 14, 1 Queens Road,

Melbourne VIC 3004,

(PO Box 33241, Melbourne VIC 3004)

(03) 9820 2222,

1300 498 035

Senator Nicholas Xenophon SA NXT

Level 2, 31 Ebenezer Place,

Adelaide SA 5000

(08) 8232 1144,

1300 556 115

Senator Malcolm Leuan Roberts QLD PHON

Suite 2, Level 36 Waterfront Place,

1 Eagle Street,

Brisbane Qld 4000,

(GPO Box 228, Brisbane Qld 4001)

(07) 3221 9099,

(07) 3221 9399

Senator David Ean Leyonhjelm NSW LDP

Suite 405 Henry Lawson Building,

19 Roseby Street,

Drummoyne NSW 2047,

(PO Box 636, Drummoyne NSW 1470)

(02) 9719 1078,

1300 884 092

Senator Jacqui Lambie TAS JLN

Shop 4, 22 Mount Street,

Burnie TAS 7320,

(PO Box 256, Burnie TAS 7320)

(03) 6431 2233,

(03) 6431 3200

Senator Pauline Lee Hanson QLD PHON

Suites 5 and 6, Level 36, Waterfront Place,

1 Eagle Street,

Brisbane Qld 4000,

(GPO Box 228, Brisbane Qld 4001)

(07) 3221 7644
Senator Lucy Muringo Gichuhi SA IND

Commonwealth Parliament Offices,

Suite 10, Level 13, 100 King William Street

Adelaide SA 5000

(08) 8205 1050
Senator Peter Georgiou WA PHON

Units 4 & 5, 162 Colin Street,

West Perth WA 6005

(PO Box 6, West Perth WA 6872)

(08) 9226 1750,

1300 512 510

Senator Brian Burston NSW PHON

26 Macquarie Street,

Belmont NSW 2280

(02) 4947 0888,

1300 498 639

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